Bed Bug Myths & Facts in Pittsburgh, PA; Bed Bugs Don’t Have Wings, They Can’t Jump & More

When it comes to pests, there are many myths and misconceptions. Volumes could be written concerning all the myths surrounding one pest alone. In an effort to help our customers better understand bed bugs however, we at Stewart Termite and Pest Control would like to take a handful of the more common myths concerning bed bugs and list the facts.

Myths & Facts About Bed Bugs

Myth #1 Bed bugs will only come out to feed in the dark.
Where bed bugs are nocturnal, they will eat when the light is on or during day time hours if the need is great. Leaving the lights on will not deter their feeding if they are hungry enough.
Myth #2 Bed bugs only live on mattresses.
Bed bugs prefer sticking close to their host and in few numbers, they tend to nest on the mattress, along with the frame, box spring, and headboard. However, they are not limited to the mattress, even in small numbers, bed bugs spread out in the room and even eventually into other rooms as their number grows or their host tries to bunk in another location.
Myth #3 Bed bugs are only attracted to dirty and cluttered environments.
Bed bugs are fairly adaptable and do not discriminate their living conditions. Clutter and filthy areas give bed bugs more opportunity to hide but they can be fund in the most immaculate of houses.
Myth #4 Bed bugs have wings and can jump.
It is impossible for bed bugs to fly as they do not have wings, however bed bugs crawl over three feet per minute.
Myth #5 Bed bugs reproduce quickly.
In perspective, bed bugs reproduce relatively slowly when comparing the rate to other insects. For example, 500 eggs within 3-4 days is produced by a common housefly where the bed bug will only average 1 per day. Incubation is about 10 days in ideal environments and in 5-6 weeks, the hatchlings will be adults.
Myth #6 Bed bugs are only spread from a person to a new place.
Bed bugs do not stick on skin or hide in hair like lice, fleas, or ticks. They are less unlikely to be lurking in the lining of your clothes you are wearing as they avoid too warm of places. More often than not, bed bugs are transported by people, but through luggage, backpacks, shoes, and other such nestling areas.
Myth #7 DDT is the best option for treating bed bugs.
Not only have bed bugs have built an immune to the chemical, but it is being banned in 1972, this controversial pesticide has lost its effect
Myth #8 Bed bugs can be eliminated with generic bug spray.
Fumigation and heat treatments specific to bed bugs are the most effective methods to destroying bed bugs. Their resistance to poisons of made standard, generic bug spray ineffective.
Myth #9 Bed bugs don’t pose a health risk.
Bed bugs have not been linked to any diseases or viruses. Depending on the person, their bites can be itchy and uncomfortable in addition to sleepless nights due to their feeding activities. Few do experience allergic reactions to the fluid they inject during the bite as well as symptoms from histamine from bed bug feces. And having bed bugs can affect mental health including anxiety and insomnia.

Bed Bug Inspections & Treatment

Should you suspect bed bugs infesting your home, call Stewart Termite and Pest Control and let our specialists inspect your home and if bed bugs are confirmed infesting your home, our experts can effectively eliminate them. Contact us today for all your pest control needs!