Effect of Climate Change on Insects & Pests in Erie, PA; Pest Infestation Behavior, Location & More

Everywhere you look around the world, you can see some obvious signs of climate change. From severe and frequent storms, to a significant rise in the temperature in various places. Not only will climate change affect these different aspects of our daily lives, but it also affects pests as well. This is something that we at Stewart Termite & Pest Control are starting to see more and more. Today we would like to talk about some of the changes you may start to notice, as far as pest activity and behavior, as climate change becomes a bigger and bigger threat.

How Pests Behavior Changes in Winter

By and large, most pests need the temperature to be warm if they are going to survive. This is why when the winter rolls around, many pests will burrow deep into the ground or even migrate to a different climate until winter is over. As more and more areas are experiencing extremely mild and sometimes even warm winters, pests aren’t feeling the need to hunker down or fly the coupe until spring comes back around. Many people are seeing a rise in insect activity in the winter months.

Pest Infestation in New Places

As insects are constantly looking for a warm place to live their lives, they are infesting many places that they normally wouldn’t. As there is an increase in outdoor temps, pests are finding new places have ideal environments for them that they wouldn’t have spent any time in previously. Believe it or not, the temperature only has to raise a degree or two for pests to find it the ideal place to hang out during the winter.

Insects & Pests are Growing Larger

Not only will you see an increase in pest activity because of warmer temperatures, you will also see larger pests. They have more time in the growing season to get more resilient which includes growth. They have more time to reproduce, so you are going to see larger colonies and a larger number of pests, but also the body size is getting bigger as well.

Pests are More Resilient

As pest’s bodies get bigger, they are getting stronger too. This means they can cause more significant damage to your property. Not only that, but they are becoming more and more resilient to pesticides. The over the counter pest control products you are purchasing won’t likely get the job done anymore, and you will have to rely on professionals more to use commercial strength pesticides to completely eradicate them.

Pest Management Services

If you have noticed that there is a significant increase in pest activity in your home, you can call on the experts at Stewart Termite & Pest Control to help you get the problem taken care of. We have the equipment to target any pest that you may be dealing with as we work with you to create a pest free environment for yourself and those that you love. Call us today!