How Do You Keep Mice Out of Your House in the Winter in Erie, PA; Rodent Barrier Mesh, Sealing Holes & More

As you see the leaves change color and the temperature cool, you can’t help but feel fall in the air. With the holidays on their way, and seasons filled with cozy fires and hot chocolate, you may forget that you need to be on guard when it comes to pests still. As the weather chills, rodents especially will be trying to find shelter from the dropping temperatures. Stewart Termite & Pest Control would like to share some tips to keep rodents out of your home this winter.

Pest Control Home Sealing

Rodents, especially mice, don’t need a very large opening to weasel their way into your home. In fact, a house mouse can fit through a hole the size of a dime. In order to keep rodents out of your home this winter, you need to be vigilant in repairing any holes or openings that will allow them entry into your home.

Trim Landscaping to Discourage Rodents

Mice and other rodents often seek shelter in overgrown shrubs and plants. All of your trees and shrubs should be trimmed to avoid mice and rodents making a home in or around your house. Trees and shrubs should be trimmed so that they are at least 15 inches away from the foundation of your home. Your trees should be trimmed so that they aren’t touching your home to avoid squirrels gaining entry into your home. Trees should be trimmed 3 feet away from your home.

Rodent Barrier Mesh

If you have a chimney or any attic vents, you need to make sure they have screens behind them. Remember that many rodents don’t need a large opening so the finer the mesh the better when it comes to choosing the right screen. Check all of the screens on your doors and windows for any tears or rips as well. You may be tempted to open the doors and windows for fresh air this fall, and you don’t want to make it easy for rodents to slip in through your door and window screens.

Store Food Properly

Rodents are attracted to food that isn’t being stored properly. This doesn’t only include the food you eat either. You need to store any pet food, bird seed, as well as the food in your pantry properly to avoid attracting rodents. If they find pet food that is sitting out, they will surely do everything they can to get to it.

Seal Holes & Cracks from Mice

If you find any cracks in your foundation or siding, you are better off fixing them now before they get big. If you fix them while they are still small they can easily be fixed with caulking. This should take care of any cracks that a mouse can squeeze their little bodies into.

Rodent Control

If you find you have a rodent problem this winter, you will need the help of a professional to ensure the problem is taken care of completely. The last thing you want is a rodent getting trapped in your walls. If they die there, the problem is much worse! Call Stewart Termite & Pest Control for an appointment today.