How Do You Get Bed Bugs in the First Place in Erie, PA? Inspecting Hotels, Hospitals & More

When you are sitting at home and you start to notice there are pests getting in, you generally know where they come from. They are often a pest that is living outside and they want to get in the house. It is because they want to have a place to nest, reproduce as well as eat. Your home is a great place to do all of those things. When it comes to bed bugs people seem to be unsure how they even came into contact with them. They are a pest that can be a real burden on a home and are a pest that spreads with ease. You want to make sure you know what you can look for and do what you can to keep away from interactions that bed bugs can be.

Stewart Termite & Pest Control Outlines How You Can Get Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs in Hotels & Motels: When you are traveling and on the road you will usually stay with family if you are lucky enough but most people will stay in a hotel or motel. This happens to be the area that you will likely come across bed bugs. The biggest problem is that you most likely will not have any idea they are there until you stay in the room and fall asleep. The reason that these are a common ground for bed bugs is the amount of people that come and go and share the same space. The room can be used by numerous people from all over the world and if they stay in the space and leave bed bugs they will infest the area. You want to make sure that you do a thorough inspection before you take any of your belongings in. Then ask for a new room if you notice any signs of bed bugs.
Bed Bugs on Airplanes & Airports: Another place that you might end up coming across bed bugs happens to be when you are in the airport. You head to the airport and wait around with other passengers from all over the world whether you are in line at security, getting a meal or sitting on a plane. All it takes is for an individual that has bed bugs to travel and the airport can have them on bags, clothes, chairs and more. If you are waiting for your flight you could come in contact. Be sure that you are aware of what is around you and inspect where you are sitting and resting.
Bed Bug Protocol for Hospitals & Jails: Other areas that are prone to have bed bugs are hospitals and jails that have people coming in and out of the area from all walks of life. These areas usually have a high turn around and that is why they are more likely to have the presence of bed bugs. You want to be cautious when you are anywhere that has that a lot of access to all kinds of public.

Bed Bug Inspections & Removal Treatment

Stewart Termite & Pest Control can come out to your home to insect for the presence of bed bugs and start a custom treatment plan to get rid of them. Call us today!